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Monday, October 14, 2013

5 Steps to Weight Loss Success

1. Step one: define what you specifically want. What do you want to accomplish with your weight loss? What do you want to happen? What results do you want? Really give this some thought.

2. Step two: your goal. What is your ultimate goal when it comes to you and losing weight? What is it you want to achieve? What specific steps will have to be achieved to accomplish this? What current strengths can you apply that will ensure the successful completion of your goals? Goal setting is very important when it comes to weight loss. You really can't achieve weight loss without it.

3. Step three: knowing your reasons. What are the reasons you want to lose weight? Is it for you or for someone else? What is driving you? Do you really intend to make this happen? Your reasons need to be strong enough so that you can keep going until you reach your goal weight/size.

4. Step four: your vision. Close your eyes and see yourself at your goal size/weight? How does this make you feel? Don't you want this to be reality? Hold this vision in your mind throughout the day. Use this vision when you feel unmotivated or you want to give-up.

5. Step five: figuring out your road blocks. What is the real issue, problem or challenge that is preventing me from moving forward? These are questions you must answer in order to move forward.

These are some of the beginning steps you need to put into place right now to get started with your weight loss journey. There are more steps and other things you need to do and that will be covered in a future article. I hope this helped you to put things in perspective and get started.

For More Related Topics Blog: Acupuncture To Lose Weight

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