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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

800 Calorie HCG Diet Protocol Revision Reveals Same Weight Loss Results

A breakthrough in hCG Diet Therapy has been developed. Experienced hCG weight loss physicians have raised the hCG Diet caloric daily allowance from 500 to 800 and created a complete revision of Dr. Simeons original hCG Diet Protocol. The physician's goal with the new protocol was to achieve higher standards and promote a safer and more tolerable program for their patients, which they have found to exhibit equivalent weight loss results.

The most significant revision which has been the center of controversy for decades among physicians and critics is the 500 calorie daily allowance. The new protocol suggests that 800 calories daily combined with 30 minutes of low impact exercise, nutritional supplements such as a multi-vitamin/mineral and pharmaceutical hCG medication has shown similar weight loss results and is tolerated more effectively by most patients. Additionally, increasing the calorie standard from VLCD (very low calorie diet) to an LCD (low calorie diet) may encourage more physicians to incorporate this diet method in their practices.

Original Dr. Simeons Protocol:

500-550 calories daily

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