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Friday, October 4, 2013

Fast Weight Loss Tricks!

Here are a few fast weight loss tricks you should be able to start doing immediately. If you want to change things up a bit, yet not make weight loss complicated, these tricks should help you out a lot. If you can spare 2 minutes to read this article now, I think you'll come away with at least 1 useful piece of information that you can implement right away.

Fast Weight Loss Tricks

1. Drop all drinks and start taking Stevia in your waters

Look, you know those sodas suck. Right there you add thousands of useless calories to your diet each month with absolutely no benefit to you. And don't even think about diet sodas, they're probably worse due to the unnatural aspartame sugar substitute in them. That thing actually increases your appetite. So any calories you save from drinking these, you'll lose back even more from eating more.

Use water and use Stevia... it's a natural sugar substitute. It's nice a sweet. You won't miss sugar. Just add 1-2 packets to your water. You'll be fine.

2. Fall in love with low calorie yogurts

This is fat becoming my snack of choice. It's not perfect, but 80 calorie or less yogurts get the job done. They fill you up A BIT and they have a decent amount of protein. You'll never get bored with these since they come in so many different flavors. Plus they're CHEAP. I buy the 33 cent Wal-Mart ones. Say I eat 3 a day as snacks. That's $1 and only 240 calories. Can't beat that.

Give these fast weight loss tricks and honest try for 2 weeks and I'll bet that you lose more than a few pounds.

For More Related Topics Blog: Does Drinking Water Help Weight Loss

For More Related Topics Blog: Does Drinking Water Help Weight Loss

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